[-TMT] The Mighty Termites

Nikad poraz samo lekcija! / Never defeat only lesson!


[-TMT] The Mighty Termites

Diskord: https://discord.gg/2BrVXFb

e-mail: termiti.wot@gmail.com

- 18+ godina
- 5000+ bitaka
- Minimalno 2 tenka Tier VI, VIII i X korisna za CW i SH
- Aktivno igranje utvrđenja - stronghold
- Aktivno igranje Clan War bitaka
- Strogo zabranjeno vrijeđanje suigrača na bilo kojoj osnovi;
- Slušanje taktike i pridržavanje iste tijekom borbe;
- Iskrenost i poštovanje suigrača uz ponašanje kao dio tima, ne kao pojedinac;


- 18+ years
- 5000+ battles
- Minimum 2 tenks Tier VI, VIII and X and useful for CW SH
- Actively playing stronghold SH battles
- Actively playing Clan War battles
- It is strictly forbidden to insult on any ground;
- Listening tactics;
- Honesty and respect with behavior as part of a team, not as individuals;

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 1

Ø Batailles1439
Ø WN8229,18

Membres du clan

#Nom du joueur30D WN830D BattlesWN8VictoiresNombre de bataillesDernière bataillePositionRejoint

Statistiques escarmouches

#Nom du joueur7D Battles30D Battles

Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate