"Si vis pacem, para bellum"


Balkanski klan, uvijek otvoren za nove članove.

Uvjeti za ulaz u klan:
1. Nema vrijeđanja na nacionalnoj niti bilo kakvoj osnovi (Svako vrijeđanje i slično ponašanje kažnjava se izbacivanjem iz klana).
2. Minimalno 2 tier VI. i tier VIII. tenka za CW i SH.
3.WN8 1000+ ukoliko želite igrati SH i CW.

Klan je novi, ima mjesta za napredovanje, svaki uspjeh se prati i nagrađuje od strane commandera (Goldi, premium dani i sl.).

Za ulaz u klan javite se nekom od oficira!

European clan, always open to new members.
Conditions for entry into the clan:
1. No offense on national grounds or any grounds (any offense and similar conduct is punished by evacuation from the clan).
2. Minimum 2 tier VI. And tier VIII. tanks for CW and SH.
3.WN8 1000+ if you want to play SH and CW.
The clan is new, has a place to progress, every success is monitored and rewarded by the commanders (Goldi, premium days etc.).
To enter the clan, contact the officer Thellar1947 or commander Seronja997 :)

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 7

Ø Batailles18539
Ø WN81241,89

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate