[BOX7N] 5 key to victory 8.0



Hey everyone and welcome to iyouxin's 8th official community clan!
We aim at being a nice place for the community and at providing as much credit boosts as possible.
There are no requirements for joining us. The only thing we expect is that you actively play in random battles (solo or platoon), because only then we can afford to make reserves for the community.
Everyone is welcome ?

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 100

Ø Batailles20390
Ø WN81537,77

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
ZeedmenowRejoint19/02/2025 15:12 UTC
_TheLastKnight__Rejoint16/02/2025 14:19 UTC
Exar31Quitter 15/02/2025 21:07 UTC
Bubo31Quitter 15/02/2025 21:07 UTC
olekksanderRejoint09/02/2025 21:19 UTC
kubadubaQuitter 08/02/2025 23:24 UTC
StarBlock09Rejoint03/02/2025 09:49 UTC
Knato777Quitter 03/02/2025 09:15 UTC
metalgadQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
BarryCaideRejoint02/02/2025 17:46 UTC
S4ndM4nnQuitter 01/02/2025 09:17 UTC
Gigi50071Rejoint31/01/2025 21:52 UTC
ChalpariFINQuitter 29/01/2025 17:37 UTC
lebiobioRejoint29/01/2025 15:23 UTC
tuohisQuitter 27/01/2025 21:06 UTC
srstka31Quitter 27/01/2025 21:06 UTC
b4d17Quitter 27/01/2025 21:06 UTC
03_12_99_Rejoint27/01/2025 17:26 UTC
MrGugelRejoint27/01/2025 17:25 UTC
LUKA_JRejoint27/01/2025 17:25 UTC
wurstbrummeQuitter 25/01/2025 21:08 UTC
JerryBeansRejoint25/01/2025 18:46 UTC
kubadubaRejoint25/01/2025 14:16 UTC
_Wrexu_Quitter 25/01/2025 00:38 UTC
Bott_01Rejoint24/01/2025 21:30 UTC
03_12_99_Quitter 22/01/2025 21:06 UTC
Micha_RoszkowskiRejoint22/01/2025 15:50 UTC
frininiuRejoint22/01/2025 15:46 UTC
ugly_coyoteQuitter 21/01/2025 21:15 UTC
Knato777Rejoint21/01/2025 20:18 UTC
kuruvasanRejoint21/01/2025 20:17 UTC