[CBAIT] U just got Clickbaited

Stop bit*hing, start clicking


Welcome to CBAIT!

CBAIT is a cool and fun clan to play in. We are searching for members to play Strongholds, Advances and Clan Campaigns on a regular basis.

Thunderstorm campaign: 21 tanks
Confrontation campaign: 24 tanks
Iron Age campaign: 9 tanks
Renaissance campaign: 16 tanks
Maneuvers 2023: 14 tanks
Maneuvers 2024 march: 15 tanks

Terms for joining CBAIT:
- At least 3 of the following tanks in your garage: Obj. 140, 907, 277, 260, 279(e), CS-63, S-Conq, 60TP,
- Be present on Discord (be present and also use the Mic :) )
- We judge players on an individual basis.
- 2500 DPG on tier 10 tanks

Add the following players in game:
- Mad_Easy_Carry
- mortener

For diplomacy add:
- Mad_Easy_Carry

For Recruitment Contact.
- Trusis
- UrLocalFerret

If you are interested please join our Discord Community. If you dont know how Discord works please contact one of us in game.

Discord: Cbait Discord

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 61

Ø Batailles34281
Ø WN81943,53

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
kanzlRejoint13/02/2025 15:34 UTC
Sneaky_FockerQuitter 12/02/2025 21:07 UTC
L0wk2yQuitter 11/02/2025 21:07 UTC
TheLightEdQuitter 11/02/2025 05:25 UTC
RenamedUser_596497305Quitter 11/02/2025 00:50 UTC
Deezor_Quitter 10/02/2025 21:07 UTC
ApexClipZQuitter 10/02/2025 21:07 UTC
puhlchukQuitter 10/02/2025 07:00 UTC
TrokkerQuitter 06/02/2025 09:19 UTC
WG_StoleMyWallet_deffer1Quitter 05/02/2025 21:07 UTC
_AbilityQuitter 03/02/2025 21:07 UTC
PorucznikMankutQuitter 03/02/2025 09:15 UTC
RNG_on_CopiumQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
Witblitz_RangerQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
hgfd23rt365Quitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
espirito_da_florestaQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
xXx_Khasanoff_xXxQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
ShockWaveGQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
TraficantDeAcadeleQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
noxypooQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
Duivel90Quitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
ventoesQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
Szcz4wQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
DeIIusQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
BaalaikaanQuitter 02/02/2025 21:06 UTC
_CallMeHenkebats_Quitter 02/02/2025 20:26 UTC
Juri2509_WOTQuitter 02/02/2025 17:40 UTC
elcatresRejoint01/02/2025 14:16 UTC
MumonTheShinobiQuitter 31/01/2025 09:06 UTC
CrashingtntRejoint28/01/2025 17:27 UTC
D_RON_05Quitter 27/01/2025 07:53 UTC
Markus_v_HRejoint22/01/2025 18:24 UTC
best_rodin11Quitter 22/01/2025 17:21 UTC
lee626Quitter 21/01/2025 21:16 UTC
PANDA_TKOQuitter 21/01/2025 21:16 UTC
TinyValkyrieQuitter 21/01/2025 18:04 UTC