......ei vor fi stăpânii lumii, dar noi vom rămâne stăpânii timpului.......


Salut !

- clanul este deschis tuturor varstelor (de la cel cu tzatza in gura pana la cel cu barba sura)
- clan dedicat distractiei (la modul civilizat)...la noi pe primul loc este FAMILIA si SERVICIUL
- cei care sunt pe joc au obligatia sa foloseasca pentru comunicare programul TS3 :ts.rullz.us ori TS3 propriu la TS.GMS.RO
-poti fi ceea ce doresti dar cand esti cu noi fii tanchist
- cei sositi sunt bineveniti in DCNRO



Hello !

- the clan is open to all ages (from the one with the tzatza in his mouth to the one with the sura beard)
- clan dedicated to fun (in a civilized way)...our first place is family and service
- those who are on the game have the obligation to use the TS3 program for communication :ts.rullz.us times TS3 proper to TS.GMS.RO
- you can be what you want but when you're with us be a tankman
- those who arrive are welcome in DCNRO

.......Good luck.......

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 28

Ø Batailles16373
Ø WN8818,29

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate