[DIIN] Divine Intervention

"Vengeance is Mine"


This international Clan has come to life through a vision. It is hard coded to represent the potency of true dedication and competence. These are the qualities that make anything stand true. We seek members whom strive to live by those principals. We pride ourselves for providing a home that nurtures and empowers players with unique gifts. We seek mature individuals whom understand our principals and abide by team orientation.

Min 3K battles played
WR 51%+
Min: WN8 of 1.2K or recent 1.6K
Desirable 2 tier 10 tanks with average 1.8K dmg per battle
Desirable 3 tier 8 and 3 tier 6 tanks for strongholds and team battles
Visit our website
apply directly here
Dicord here
Contact Vahakn for membership. Don't worry, we can be flexible.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 13

Ø Batailles7459
Ø WN81381,13

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate