[ECHOD] Echo Destroyers

A new recruit clan that promise you funny games and as many battles per week as possible


Hello Everyone.We appreciate your participation in our clan. We took the risk to create our clan for the following reasons.
)We joined previus clans that never make a skirmish war.tournament battles or not even a training room.
)we create the clan in order to keep our members focused in the game by taking objective and whatever the game needs for a win.
*)We also love the game,we are still learning it and we will always listen advices from members.
P.S) 1 shell can make the difference.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 8

Ø Batailles7212
Ø WN8784,05

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate