[FLIPD] Sorry We Flipped

Flipped Tankers , to lay on battlefield upside down can happen to the best !


No voicecommunication .
No WR requirements .
Botting or cheating wont be allowed .
Mature behaviour is a must .
Just chill gameplay with reserves .

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 97

Ø Batailles11450
Ø WN81117,22

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
BARTEK2010PRejoint22/03/2025 23:08 UTC
lopit456Quitter 22/03/2025 21:07 UTC
DwArF_2021Quitter 15/03/2025 17:56 UTC
Bewacher_der_SchwelleRejoint14/03/2025 18:05 UTC
JermuWolfieQuitter 12/03/2025 21:07 UTC
19Flori99Quitter 12/03/2025 21:07 UTC
_Xam_7Rejoint11/03/2025 19:22 UTC
legalize_939Rejoint09/03/2025 10:12 UTC
kokonoyyyRejoint09/03/2025 10:12 UTC
BeevvBeeRejoint08/03/2025 16:24 UTC
famfrpalnik_czRejoint08/03/2025 16:08 UTC
Philowy_Quitter 08/03/2025 09:07 UTC
Ghostwarrior_256Quitter 07/03/2025 21:07 UTC
BaseBomb1Quitter 07/03/2025 21:07 UTC
piotrek_999Quitter 07/03/2025 21:07 UTC
Halt232Rejoint07/03/2025 20:01 UTC
Gerafar1ngRejoint07/03/2025 19:24 UTC
PanzersmeyerRejoint03/03/2025 17:05 UTC
Mike51CZRejoint03/03/2025 15:41 UTC
MatebigRejoint03/03/2025 12:05 UTC
Snezh_steelRejoint28/02/2025 15:03 UTC
lidiya_inchRejoint28/02/2025 15:01 UTC
mimi3012_2024Rejoint28/02/2025 14:55 UTC
pecousRejoint28/02/2025 08:03 UTC
DE_TREVILLE_245Rejoint28/02/2025 07:59 UTC
Karmelek89_dzQuitter 26/02/2025 21:06 UTC
kappi_V8_Quitter 26/02/2025 21:06 UTC
CzSzuregzQuitter 26/02/2025 21:06 UTC
Armor_not_hitQuitter 25/02/2025 20:24 UTC
Rem_52Quitter 21/02/2025 21:06 UTC