[G1FTD] GIFTD plays

GIFTD but with Boosters


GIFTD booster Clan

For past results go to GIFTD Clan Page

❯ 3.8k+ recent dpgs on 5+ tier 10 meta tanks
❯ Active at least 3 nights a week for Advances + working microphone with TeamSpeak.

For diplomacy contact: Iain11
❯ TS3 address: gifted.zap-ts3.com


This Clan used to be CULT
CULT is a RETIRED International, English speaking, clan. Part of the CULT Community with a total of 3 Clans and a big Community on Discord as well.

Renaissance Campaign: 20 Tanks, 15 players in top 5K
Thunderstorm Campaign: 37 Tanks, 21 players in top 5K
Confrontation Campaign: 20 Tanks
Iron Age Campaign: 32 Tanks

Season 16: Clan Position 46
Season 17: Clan Position 30
Season 18: Clan Position 7

Need information about CULT? Contact _Ami___
CULT Community Discord

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 33

Ø Batailles28184
Ø WN82470,48

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
ZomberRejoint08/03/2025 16:59 UTC
XethrusQuitter 07/03/2025 21:06 UTC
Unicum_Bot_1Quitter 05/03/2025 21:06 UTC
FeLDkoMmaNDAnt_KaAkiEQuitter 05/03/2025 09:06 UTC
_sixtenQuitter 05/03/2025 09:06 UTC
Blauwe_Kut_SmurfQuitter 05/03/2025 09:06 UTC
hiesoQuitter 05/03/2025 09:06 UTC
FlipseOnMountainPassQuitter 05/03/2025 08:18 UTC
_CleverTechnologyQuitter 05/03/2025 08:16 UTC
Professor_Toras_Quitter 05/03/2025 05:49 UTC
Molten_OneQuitter 05/03/2025 05:37 UTC
spineQuitter 05/03/2025 05:35 UTC
CzesareQuitter 05/03/2025 05:32 UTC
Speshul_theToxicMonkeQuitter 05/03/2025 05:32 UTC
ZooomStormQuitter 05/03/2025 05:32 UTC
DalriadamanQuitter 05/03/2025 05:29 UTC
mateisiteo_fighterQuitter 05/03/2025 05:29 UTC
pio2014Quitter 05/03/2025 05:29 UTC
Devy_Gets_PeggedQuitter 05/03/2025 05:29 UTC
Marijn_0n_AlcoholQuitter 05/03/2025 05:28 UTC
El_ClikoQuitter 05/03/2025 05:27 UTC
tinnenblik1944Quitter 05/03/2025 05:25 UTC
TyloHeshQuitter 05/03/2025 05:25 UTC
iain11Quitter 05/03/2025 05:20 UTC
Czolgista7474Quitter 05/03/2025 02:23 UTC
Bela_Dimitrescus_ToyQuitter 05/03/2025 02:17 UTC
____seanQuitter 05/03/2025 02:17 UTC
Average_Caprice_EnjoyerQuitter 04/03/2025 23:48 UTC
ronight111Quitter 04/03/2025 23:48 UTC
ToxicBotKEKWQuitter 04/03/2025 23:45 UTC
papumafiotuQuitter 04/03/2025 23:44 UTC
Swid_Steel_V2Quitter 04/03/2025 23:40 UTC
vidar2004Quitter 04/03/2025 23:39 UTC
Tanks_With_WingsQuitter 04/03/2025 23:38 UTC
Digitaldan15Quitter 04/03/2025 23:36 UTC
CXDRXXNQuitter 04/03/2025 23:36 UTC
NIRIX_Quitter 04/03/2025 23:35 UTC
__GusQuitter 04/03/2025 23:34 UTC
Qwas55Quitter 04/03/2025 23:32 UTC
Dandrew2000Quitter 04/03/2025 23:30 UTC
Star515Quitter 04/03/2025 23:28 UTC
Is_SHARK_LgbtqQuitter 04/03/2025 23:26 UTC
KriasQuitter 04/03/2025 23:26 UTC
kushdiQuitter 04/03/2025 23:25 UTC
ZiiTNQuitter 04/03/2025 23:25 UTC
Eclipse_slightlyHostileQuitter 04/03/2025 23:23 UTC
ZomberQuitter 04/03/2025 23:21 UTC
KarhillQuitter 04/03/2025 23:21 UTC
kaur777Quitter 04/03/2025 23:21 UTC
Iains_cute_pet_1Quitter 04/03/2025 23:18 UTC
wh7notQuitter 04/03/2025 23:18 UTC
TristurQuitter 04/03/2025 23:15 UTC
MiNi_GuNxQuitter 04/03/2025 23:15 UTC
_D1sabIed_Xavii_Quitter 04/03/2025 21:06 UTC
msimpson54Quitter 04/03/2025 21:06 UTC
toliboliQuitter 04/03/2025 21:06 UTC
Dragon_DaLGBTQ_GODQuitter 04/03/2025 21:06 UTC
tigri_2016Quitter 04/03/2025 21:06 UTC
FrancoQuitter 04/03/2025 16:14 UTC
_NavySeal_Quitter 03/03/2025 21:06 UTC
BodyDysmorphiaQuitter 03/03/2025 21:06 UTC
JunkQuitter 03/03/2025 09:07 UTC
wakraZzQuitter 02/03/2025 20:26 UTC
Gr3uceanuQuitter 02/03/2025 17:23 UTC
_D1sabIed_Xavii_Rejoint26/02/2025 22:47 UTC
CzesareRejoint26/02/2025 00:59 UTC
_DaniTheFentEnjoyer_Quitter 24/02/2025 21:06 UTC
DionderPantsQuitter 23/02/2025 21:06 UTC
B3RNI3333Quitter 23/02/2025 20:21 UTC
B3RNI3333Rejoint20/02/2025 20:31 UTC
_KaolaQuitter 20/02/2025 17:50 UTC
__Osiris14__Quitter 17/02/2025 23:32 UTC
Swid_Steel_V2Rejoint17/02/2025 19:58 UTC
_VaIbe_Quitter 16/02/2025 08:25 UTC
ZomberRejoint11/02/2025 21:32 UTC
spineRejoint11/02/2025 19:11 UTC
QuaksenQuitter 09/02/2025 05:58 UTC