H.A.T.E.D. - toxic, outspoken and genuine


If you’re a good player, and want to win, then go no further. This clan is for both English and German speaking players, but we accept anyone from any country as long as you can speak English. We have boosters on pretty much every evening. Good luck and welcome from HATE. If you need help and speak English contact any high ranking member (executive officers). We’re young and old here age doesn’t matter!

Willkommen bei H.A.T.E.D!

Falls Du ein Hu*ensohn bist und die Claneinladung annimmst, bist du bei uns genau richtig.

Auf den Geschmack gekommen? Dann schreib uns an oder schau auf unserem Discord-Server oder Teamspeakserver vorbei (

Kontakt über: BautSen_breaent, yoschi9757, ratovane or DontBegItFam

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 97

Ø Batailles24753
Ø WN81288,09

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
GosnavaaRejoint18/03/2025 18:19 UTC
PowerThorder_2018Quitter 17/03/2025 21:06 UTC
G3tBrightQuitter 16/03/2025 17:47 UTC
FabNesRejoint16/03/2025 17:46 UTC
Borsti134Rejoint15/03/2025 19:48 UTC
triggered45viceQuitter 10/03/2025 05:10 UTC
Spn_Quitter 08/03/2025 17:26 UTC
_Armored_One_Quitter 26/02/2025 21:06 UTC
operatorrrRejoint19/02/2025 23:02 UTC