[M-I-A] Mercenary Intelligence Agency

Ko hoće nadje način, ko neće nadje opravdanje.


What Is M-I-A?
M-I-A Is the very special and totaly diffrent Clan in game W.O.T.,We are the Army of Intelligent Mercenary Agents who get paid in gold from our Clan-board...If You menage to sing for our Clan you will be ready to start your carear as one of our Proffesional Soldiers...Our goal is not to conquest whole world with the Military power instead of that we are using other ways to survive and provide other Clans with cruical informations from their enemy's...M-I-A Want's to keep only 1 basic Teritorry HQ, and just for our practice and fun we will try to Conquer 1 more Landing Zone,stil our Intention it's not to Continue with occupation of the same,The Clan's who keep good diplomatic relations with us only can profit from that, from other side If you want to be our Enemy be aware of slow and paintfull War with M-I-A.

If you think that you have the gut for this kind of adventure join us here:


Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 6

Ø Batailles7407
Ø WN8951,69

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate