[MYD] MonkeyDance

Never, FYcking Give UP!


Clan is for all players who want fun and love this game. We accept villagers and rednecks too :).
It is a team game so fucking enjoy it!
All who take this game too seriously can go and F them self.
WE DO NOT betray players whos WIN rate is not high enough. We stick together no matter what.

Klan je za svu raju koja voli ovu igricu. Primamo sve seljake i seljacine :).
Ovo je timska igra i u redu je da se zajebavate i uzivate!
Svi oni koji uzimaju ovu igru previse k srcu mogu da odjebu odmah.
MI NE prodajemo i odbacujemo igrace ciji WINRATE nije veliki. Drzimo se zajedno pad kud puklo da puklo.

W E L C O M E!

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 6

Ø Batailles2756
Ø WN8909,90

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate