[ROPD] Romanian PD

"To Protect and to Serve"


I'm the police!
And I'm here to arrest you.
You've broken the law. I did not write the law.
I may even disagree with the law. But I will enforce it.
No matter how you plead, cajole, beg or attempt to stir my sympathies,
nothing you do will stop me from placing you in a steel cage with grey bars.
If you run away, I will chase you.
If you fight me, I will fight back.
If you shoot at me, I will shoot back.
By the law, I am unable to walk away.
I'm a consequence, I am the unpaid bill. I am fate with a badge and a gun.
Behind my badge is a heart like yours. I bleed. I think. I love.
And yes, I can be killed.
And although I'm but one man...
... I have thousands of brothers and sisters who are the same as me.
They will lay down their lives for me. And I them.
We stand watch together. A thin blue line.
Protecting the prey from the predators. The good from the bad.
We are the police!

End of watch - intro

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 44

Ø Batailles10181
Ø WN8950,05

Membres du clan

#Nom du joueur30D WN830D BattlesWN8VictoiresNombre de bataillesDernière bataillePositionRejoint
1SchultzRO0,0002126,7054,02%21455Commandant en second
2csandrino0,0002040,8153,67%34444Commandant en second
3AnCh0,0021569,2752,38%44751Officier de combat
5dcasuta0,0001371,5751,24%18130Officier du personnel
6daniel4ro900,662221208,6750,01%24446Commandant en second
7gigiberlogea1882,7645910,7847,91%35651Officier de recrutement
8edyedyedy_20170,000822,9149,51%13685Officier subalterne
9SbPanzzer672,08194783,6147,45%48923Officier de recrutement
10Bulosam0,000748,5353,93%89Officier subalterne
11quentin434741,23122736,3248,20%12313Officier subalterne
12Rumpelstilltskin80,000715,7448,89%1806Officier subalterne
13ShadowBoy220,000687,5448,47%3668Officier subalterne
14marysan1972244,5460655,9845,58%46334Officier du personnel
15HELMZAR0,000651,1448,39%1459Officier subalterne
16Spadasin_10,000620,7849,91%1128Officier subalterne
17momoko10,000603,5185,71%7Officier subalterne
18i93mcc0,000598,6750,28%3598Officier subalterne
19IulianMoise0,000592,4145,94%5782Officier subalterne
20Baby_blues0,000570,0247,94%9131Officier du renseignement
21lucasan20060,000521,5845,49%2260Officier subalterne
22AndreiRo2013248,53276508,1445,86%17997Commandant en second
23drino_san0,000384,62100,00%1Officier subalterne
24Negixo_Hserf0,000483,7445,53%9786Officier subalterne
25pogles860,000454,9245,61%5005Officier subalterne
26Sata1N12663,90123434,0243,01%5654Officier subalterne
27carlibaba392,41305425,4644,84%35189Officier subalterne
28razvanmarius20010,000419,0942,68%485Officier subalterne
29Sara_Maria0,000436,0562,96%27Officier subalterne
30radup0,000401,5647,21%7881Officier de recrutement
31petricica0,000394,3446,02%2853Officier subalterne
32WJR120,000326,8057,59%158Officier subalterne
33Fabian2015_hero0,000255,2944,63%1183Officier subalterne
34ANDREI16COOL0,000252,7746,22%1837Officier subalterne
35yunior19780,000252,2346,33%20637Officier subalterne
36Mario20070,000223,4646,58%6647Officier subalterne
37Puffosel0,000216,4647,06%680Officier subalterne
38Rommelhund0,000174,7951,72%29Officier subalterne
39mergen__steel0,000133,0947,85%535Officier subalterne
40fireprotect0,000105,0052,27%88Officier subalterne
41Skyl3dYT0,00072,0141,34%179Officier subalterne
42CVN_Mad_Dog0,00052,4144,46%1957Commandant en second
43buRzaYT_real_0,00032,6915,38%26Officier subalterne
44RAZVAN_2014_10,0000,0040,00%40Officier subalterne

Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate