[S_F_X] S_F_X Clan

Welcome to Silver Fox Clan ....You won ́t regret it


Welcome to (SFX)

After almost Eight years of inactivity , the S_F_X rolls again.

We are a clan made up of experience players and new players alike we accept all tiers and skill levels.
We are a friendly group of people who simply enjoy the game and play it as it should be played , most of all we have fun and a good laugh. We are looking for arabic , french or good English speakers as well.

What we can offer:

- Daily backups
- Daily activity on CW, SH and offensives
- Clan reserves

Recruiters: contact the following members _:

ichi29 or Smoker_2018

Entry requirements:

Tier X : At least Obj.277 & Obj.140
Tier VIII : any suitable tank for skirmish.

If you are interested in joining .Simply apply and we will review applications as soon as possible.

email :


Teamspeak :

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 20

Ø Batailles13603
Ø WN81157,51

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate