[U-WOT] You wot mate?



U-WOT is an international clan, focusing on socialising with members and playing somewhat competitive if we're in the mood. Which is currently never. But we DO slap on a ton of mostly credit boosters, which is nice.
We are from all over the world. Our humor is dark, but with respect to eachother. We don't moderate, but we use common sense in some way to keep eachother in line.

We're also active in other games, so if you're bored of wot (which happens easily), maybe you can join in another game.

We ask any applicant to join us on Discord and contact an officer.

- Age 18+ Seriously, DON'T APPLY IF YOU'RE UNDER 18!
- Discord and a working headset/mic. Well, basically you need discord if you want, we don't really care.
- English speaking, Sense of humor and COMMON SENSE. The last part is most important.
- No snowflake behavior. We have no place for that. Thin skin? Don't apply!

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 62

Ø Batailles21145
Ø WN81652,11

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
EJIEKTPOMEXRejoint19/02/2025 17:49 UTC
9l_KAK_KOCMOCRejoint16/02/2025 11:54 UTC
gone2__Quitter 14/02/2025 00:00 UTC
mr_VadyaRejoint12/02/2025 10:06 UTC
Yasser_Legend_DZQuitter 03/02/2025 21:06 UTC
Yasser_Legend_DZRejoint01/02/2025 20:11 UTC
gone2__Rejoint01/02/2025 11:36 UTC
Messerchmitt100Quitter 24/01/2025 05:43 UTC