[-GSC-] Storm Corps

No One Suspects The Puppet Master


-GSC- is a new clan looking to grow. We are a casual yet competitive Social clan. If you have any interest in joining and meet the following requirements, feel free to contact an officer.

Clan page via WoTLabs: http://wotlabs.net/na/clan/-gsc-

- Must have Teamspeak
- Must be active
- Players looking to get into CW MUST be willing to listen and learn

Contact Zippotro, CoffeeRun_, Plinker90, or jyarbrough69 for recruiting.

Join our Teamspeak server: gsc.teamspeak3.com:5321
Dont be afraid to poke anyone!

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 12

Ø Batailles9491
Ø WN81892,92

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate