[-RO] Reckless Onslaught

Boo! We see you!! Keep watching, watch and learn!!


Reckless Onslaught, is a clan that is part of an alliance with -N-N-C, Rel-S, and Grail!!! Clans that have come together for the benefit of the player. Absolutely no drama, and different skill levels and all different playing times. No reason to be out there by yourself, or part of a clan that does not care for you!

Reckless Onslaught is looking for players that are active. No reason in joining a clan if you are not going to be active. A WN8 of 1100 and a recent WN8 of 1100. Also a PR of 5000 or higher. If you don't have those stats, come talk to us. Each application is on a case by case review. Must have at least 5 meta tier 10's or are close to getting them.

We use teamspeak3 for coms. Must be active 2-3 evenings per week for clan activities.

Our TS is RO.clants.net Come check us out!!

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 59

Ø Batailles16985
Ø WN81596,45

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
Glitchybeach21Rejoint26/02/2025 01:07 UTC
XXX_x_sniper_x_XXXRejoint25/02/2025 22:28 UTC
401sgtRejoint25/02/2025 10:55 UTC
Sgt401Quitter 24/02/2025 15:01 UTC
slaabs2Quitter 24/02/2025 08:23 UTC
gargoil33Quitter 23/02/2025 14:15 UTC
ducktape54Quitter 23/02/2025 11:16 UTC
HighzelhoffRejoint22/02/2025 02:52 UTC
_DougDimmadome_Rejoint17/02/2025 23:52 UTC
verycooIQuitter 14/02/2025 14:23 UTC
verycool_crip_GODQuitter 14/02/2025 08:22 UTC
TabascoHixQuitter 13/02/2025 14:23 UTC
Delta418Rejoint13/02/2025 04:47 UTC
slaabs2Rejoint11/02/2025 04:32 UTC
WalmarSecurityRejoint09/02/2025 19:00 UTC
ducktape54Rejoint09/02/2025 01:34 UTC
phyicsphactoryRejoint08/02/2025 02:40 UTC
TheGlizzy_GobblerQuitter 06/02/2025 15:01 UTC
Ex_Navy_OS_CV62Quitter 03/02/2025 03:01 UTC
TheGlizzy_GobblerRejoint03/02/2025 02:45 UTC
mossyoakjasonRejoint02/02/2025 18:22 UTC
401sgtQuitter 02/02/2025 15:01 UTC
_DAR_Quitter 02/02/2025 15:01 UTC
TurtleGiraffeRejoint02/02/2025 02:13 UTC
Klaudios1Rejoint31/01/2025 20:52 UTC
Kingkull13Rejoint27/01/2025 04:31 UTC