[-SYB-] School Yard Bullies

Taking lunch money one tank at a time


We wish to have a small group of players 15-20 that work well together and play frequently.
We regularly platoon and participate in tournaments, with occasional tank companies.
A mic and ventrilo is required for coms to coordinate in platoons and tournaments.

Currently recruiting for tournaments and possible clan wars.

52% win rate or higher
1100+ WN6
60% hit rate
60 day stats better than overall stats
Ability to work as a team and take constructive criticism
Active 3-5 days of the week

Drama is not needed. Leave your baggage at the door.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 9

Ø Batailles12732
Ø WN81539,66

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate