[A41] all 4 one

all for one and one for all


We looking for active players who want to built and paticipate in a everyday skirm clan and practice our strategy especially saturday evening so we need actives players who deserve to create a tier VI skirm team for now and we will make tier VIII and X too when we fill the VI for players who like to play skirms tournement, and wargames, and focus on when it's time to play these games habitually around 7pm till late at night and try to win some gold and bonus that's mean you have all day to make your daily's mission and double xp

You will also need Dischord and a microphone to join our chanels and comunicate with us and have a tier VI we recomand a T34-85M or a Cromwell and m6 we need to make a tier VI team to start the clan and recruit more people we also need good callers you welcome

contact Metrico73 clan owner wargames player

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 18

Ø Batailles6655
Ø WN81175,96

Membres du clan

#Nom du joueur30D WN830D BattlesWN8VictoiresNombre de bataillesDernière bataillePositionRejoint
1Emperor_Ed2238,052492280,3356,94%1463Officier de recrutement
2ratm872090,973871816,8952,67%42902Officier de recrutement
3Pro_killer40,0001559,2552,90%1412Officier de recrutement
4GAME_OVER__20240,0001550,8952,16%579Officier de recrutement
5OneFlewOver__960,94361337,7552,86%2185Officier de recrutement
7nineball2013311,3513894,4345,68%35020Commandant en second
8grumpyguy19730,000880,3351,95%514Officier de recrutement
9SgtMajor_Sean1640,04121878,5747,97%4332Officier de recrutement
10Haiko_Frosty769,16142833,5346,46%4806Officier de recrutement
11Raulrich777863,38123821,4847,69%1625Officier de recrutement
12Tank_o_Man982,00159699,6346,89%2736Commandant en second
13Thomas_the_engine642,4883598,5645,99%4223Officier de recrutement
15NinjaRoKe584,91248441,9244,56%4930Officier de combat
16Orgreens170,000400,0245,80%4070Officier de recrutement
17Naughty_Vader419,56304366,1743,53%5444Commandant en second
18junblock0,0000,00N/A4Officier subalterne

Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate