[BOND2] The Bond's right hand man

Goldfinger Quote: "No, Mr Bond, I expect you to die!"


Bond2 is the Training clan to the BOND Clan,
we're currently taking in those who don't meet the requirements to join BOND and want to refine their stats and skills. We're accepting people with a 47%+ WR.

This clan is all about strongholds, platoons and socialization, clan wars and team battles.

If you are interested in joining apply or talk to Commander of Bond bondushtika ...............*NOT Bonoooshtika**.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 93

Ø Batailles23662
Ø WN81267,01

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
StonedWolf69Quitter 22/02/2025 23:15 UTC