[BRU2L] Calm, Chill, and Relaxed....


BRU2L is a competitive clan in all team events. Main focus is of course Clan Wars but we also are very active in 6s, 8s, and 10s. Any prospect into the clan must meet the following general requirements (some exceptions can be made).

1700+ Recent WN8
At least 3 Meta Tanks (277, S Conq, 140, CS, E3, EBR)
At least 2k dmg per game average in Tier 10 battles
Active in Clan Events at least 4 times a week.
Prime Time for strongholds is 6pst/9est to 8pst/11est weekdays and 5pst/8est to 9pst/12est weekends.
Discord Required for all Team Events

If you feel you meet the requirements or are interested in joining BRU2L please contact Darth__Buzzkill (2 underscores) or Gny_Hartman in game and we will get back with you as soon as possible.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 31

Ø Batailles19534
Ø WN81448,11

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
Epic_GamerSilyQuitter 22/03/2025 03:01 UTC
AcrylatesQuitter 21/03/2025 11:15 UTC
Sly_RascalRejoint09/03/2025 06:56 UTC
Das_Reaper_1Quitter 08/03/2025 08:15 UTC