[GMU-2] Gott Mitt Uns 2

Attack, Pillage and Burn It Down!


GMU-2 is the Sister Clan to G-M-U.

Gott Mit Uns - God With Us: G-M-U is a highly motivated and mature clan with a rich history, focused on Strongholds and Clan Wars. GMU-2 was created in May 2017 to expand on our success on the battlefield and to help enrich the gaming experience for our clan members.

OUR GOAL: Top 100 Clan

Teamspeak: gottmituns.teamspeak3.com:8238

For Diplomacy, Recruitment, Personnel Questions : General_Pete, Bob_Zombie, Insomniatic_Hitman, LawlessDesperado, Col_Klink38.

1. Must be on teamspeak when on the game. Promotes comradeship and fluidity on the battlefield.
2. 800+ Recent WN8 (60 day)
3. Age Restriction 18+ and Mature. Exceptions can be made on an individual basis.
4. Tier 6 tanks: prefer Cromwell, Type 64, T37, T150, M6, VK P, KV2, T 34 85.
5. Tier 8 tanks: prefer IS-3, OBJ 252U/Defender, T32, VK 100.01 P, AMX 51 100, Emil I, WZ 132, Pilot, Patriot, Skorpion G, Udes, RHM.
6. Must be on 3-5 nights a week.


Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 8

Ø Batailles8475
Ø WN8920,30

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate