[GO4T] ? GO4T ?



? GO4T ? is the result of a successful merge between [TT-6] and [WOPR]. We take pride in being a top 10 active competitive clan. We are focused mainly on competitive play such as Clan Wars, Advances, Call to Arms, etc.

We are a drama-free clan and are always actively seeking like-minded gamers.(╯°Д°)╯(/(.□ . )

Commander: TJo7, _SnOOp_CaTT,
XO's: _Riv, Moose
Diplomats: jamie7575
Recruitment Officers: jamie7575, _Riv, Prometheus

Recruitment standards:
3300 60 DAY RECENT WN8
3200 + DPG @ TIER X

Gold payouts for clan wars and clan events!

Strongholds and credit multipliers activated daily!



Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 94

Ø Batailles28194
Ø WN82486,97

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
_Lasty_Quitter 28/03/2025 17:17 UTC
PhilPiper101Quitter 28/03/2025 17:17 UTC
tankmasterash1Quitter 28/03/2025 11:16 UTC
talabez17Quitter 28/03/2025 11:16 UTC
Tankzilla66Quitter 28/03/2025 05:16 UTC
PubmaxxerQuitter 28/03/2025 03:01 UTC
Deltona_EffectRejoint28/03/2025 02:29 UTC
Sabre__Quitter 28/03/2025 02:15 UTC
Kitkat_ThePharaohGoonRejoint28/03/2025 02:11 UTC
Lakin_Rejoint27/03/2025 23:48 UTC
StarTheFatJuicerQuitter 27/03/2025 03:01 UTC
ParadoxQuitter 27/03/2025 03:01 UTC
LightningTheefRejoint27/03/2025 00:09 UTC
newman423Quitter 20/03/2025 03:01 UTC
woobeyRejoint20/03/2025 02:04 UTC
DivertQuitter 19/03/2025 20:15 UTC
PubmaxxerRejoint19/03/2025 20:01 UTC
Tj_killemallRejoint19/03/2025 00:53 UTC
xefyrRejoint19/03/2025 00:34 UTC
jamie7575Rejoint18/03/2025 23:47 UTC
_lizzard_Rejoint18/03/2025 20:19 UTC
_Pooch_Rejoint18/03/2025 15:27 UTC
SeramineQuitter 18/03/2025 11:17 UTC
Rono_is_HereQuitter 18/03/2025 11:16 UTC
Striker_DivisionQuitter 18/03/2025 05:19 UTC
SM0KE_CHECKQuitter 18/03/2025 05:18 UTC
Deacon_of_WarQuitter 18/03/2025 05:18 UTC
Rain_and_CappuccinoQuitter 14/03/2025 03:01 UTC
OBERQuitter 14/03/2025 02:15 UTC
CheeriosWithWaterRejoint14/03/2025 00:23 UTC
Rono_is_HereRejoint14/03/2025 00:07 UTC
Deacon_of_WarRejoint14/03/2025 00:07 UTC
Tankzilla66Rejoint14/03/2025 00:07 UTC
Striker_DivisionRejoint14/03/2025 00:07 UTC
SeramineRejoint14/03/2025 00:05 UTC
DivertRejoint14/03/2025 00:05 UTC
_NeptuneXv2_Quitter 13/03/2025 23:18 UTC
Free_Candy_Van75Quitter 13/03/2025 23:18 UTC
MontemaloQuitter 13/03/2025 23:16 UTC
hotfrancQuitter 13/03/2025 23:15 UTC
Austin_is_in_your_pantsRejoint13/03/2025 22:53 UTC
talabez17Rejoint13/03/2025 22:52 UTC
Free_Candy_Van75Rejoint13/03/2025 01:42 UTC
CheeriosWithWaterQuitter 12/03/2025 15:01 UTC
M4X_touchedbydiddyQuitter 12/03/2025 15:01 UTC
SaltySapper_o7Quitter 12/03/2025 08:15 UTC
LightningTheefQuitter 12/03/2025 08:15 UTC
rapid_shredderQuitter 12/03/2025 05:18 UTC
red_pr_PRRejoint12/03/2025 03:29 UTC
EleckkRejoint12/03/2025 03:29 UTC
_h3nry_Rejoint12/03/2025 03:28 UTC
_titus1Quitter 11/03/2025 23:19 UTC
MalinovkaQuitter 11/03/2025 05:18 UTC
jamie7575Quitter 10/03/2025 15:01 UTC
MalinovkaRejoint10/03/2025 03:54 UTC
Austin_is_in_your_pantsQuitter 10/03/2025 03:01 UTC
CoIIapseQuitter 10/03/2025 03:01 UTC
SM0KE_CHECKRejoint09/03/2025 22:52 UTC
R4YORejoint09/03/2025 21:32 UTC
Ai_Hoshino_PrPrRejoint09/03/2025 19:00 UTC
ladyBOYDESTROYERQuitter 09/03/2025 11:20 UTC
__MooseRejoint09/03/2025 04:35 UTC
_titus1Rejoint09/03/2025 01:41 UTC
Rizzler_InParisQuitter 08/03/2025 15:01 UTC
SpearChuckerMooseQuitter 08/03/2025 11:16 UTC
valime11_11Quitter 07/03/2025 11:28 UTC
FirstDeathRejoint07/03/2025 03:34 UTC
____RNGesus____Rejoint07/03/2025 03:31 UTC
Riv__Quitter 07/03/2025 03:01 UTC
jake1980ffwRejoint07/03/2025 01:29 UTC
_NeptuneXv2_Rejoint06/03/2025 05:02 UTC
YOLOMPIRejoint06/03/2025 05:01 UTC
WomanDriver_beepbeepQuitter 06/03/2025 03:01 UTC
_Roller_Quitter 06/03/2025 03:01 UTC
Diamond2014Quitter 06/03/2025 03:01 UTC
Oxide_Legend_WizardRejoint06/03/2025 01:45 UTC
StarickQuitter 05/03/2025 17:16 UTC
Sabre__Rejoint05/03/2025 07:22 UTC
hotfrancRejoint05/03/2025 03:28 UTC
King_ViperRejoint05/03/2025 03:02 UTC
snowdude21325Rejoint05/03/2025 02:27 UTC
StarTheFatJuicerRejoint05/03/2025 01:33 UTC
Just_BaddiesRejoint05/03/2025 01:32 UTC
sprite1xRejoint05/03/2025 01:32 UTC
PHARAOH_999Rejoint05/03/2025 00:48 UTC
xDELTONAxQuitter 04/03/2025 23:16 UTC
BubskiQuitter 04/03/2025 15:01 UTC
ParadoxRejoint04/03/2025 03:30 UTC
TheSwampFoxQuitter 04/03/2025 03:01 UTC
Hasu__Quitter 04/03/2025 03:01 UTC
el_chettoQuitter 04/03/2025 03:01 UTC
Lingsha_prprRejoint03/03/2025 22:00 UTC
0xFQuitter 03/03/2025 03:01 UTC
ShireiiKaNQuitter 03/03/2025 03:01 UTC
_lizzard_Quitter 03/03/2025 03:01 UTC
_TraficanteDePao_Quitter 02/03/2025 20:16 UTC
Player_3070268000Quitter 02/03/2025 20:16 UTC
_M_I_K_E_Rejoint02/03/2025 19:56 UTC
rapid_shredderRejoint02/03/2025 19:32 UTC
ladyBOYDESTROYERRejoint02/03/2025 18:12 UTC
JhonJMRejoint02/03/2025 18:12 UTC
_Alpha___Quitter 02/03/2025 17:18 UTC
destrodherQuitter 02/03/2025 17:18 UTC
DR_SpeedyRejoint02/03/2025 15:26 UTC
CheeriosWithWaterRejoint01/03/2025 18:52 UTC
ANGRYAsian69Rejoint01/03/2025 05:14 UTC
Hanke_13Quitter 01/03/2025 03:01 UTC
Alejo___xDRejoint28/02/2025 19:53 UTC
MrSwindollRejoint28/02/2025 05:32 UTC
valime11_11Rejoint28/02/2025 05:30 UTC
Cereal5Rejoint28/02/2025 05:30 UTC
Shadow__xXxRejoint28/02/2025 05:30 UTC
ExxxtroQuitter 28/02/2025 05:19 UTC
ANGRYAsianTaxEvasionQuitter 28/02/2025 03:01 UTC
_Pooch_Quitter 27/02/2025 23:16 UTC
woobeyQuitter 27/02/2025 23:15 UTC
NazRejoint27/02/2025 23:14 UTC
Funcop_ClownAccRejoint27/02/2025 23:07 UTC
Rizzler_InParisRejoint27/02/2025 21:35 UTC
Mamas_NoahRejoint27/02/2025 18:51 UTC
Mautz_Quitter 27/02/2025 15:01 UTC
W__I__L__L__Quitter 27/02/2025 11:20 UTC
darvin12Quitter 27/02/2025 11:16 UTC
jota_veQuitter 27/02/2025 02:15 UTC
LicenciadoHot_Rejoint26/02/2025 19:03 UTC