[GOML] Get Off My Lawn

Respectful and Competitive!


Get Off My Lawn (GOML) is looking for drama free players to help build a growing clan. GOML is friendly and joking but are competitive in battle. GOML skirms on a regular basis. Participation in skirms is expected of all our clan members. GOML has upgraded all buildings and run perks frequently. Interested? Please contact Islander007 or Buckotis. Thanks for looking.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 66

Ø Batailles25573
Ø WN81021,09

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
narwhalwranglerRejoint27/02/2025 01:50 UTC
Roadie_Rejoint18/02/2025 02:08 UTC
DeamonSniperQuitter 11/02/2025 11:15 UTC