HARMZ is a well organized, stable, Operational Clan Wars Clan for HARM Nation. We FIGHT (A lot!), WE love to fight! If your tanks are most used for farming gold, this is NOT the place for you. We want Warriors, NOT Farmers! EVERYONE FIGHTS
Concentrating at tier X, Clan wars, Advances, Strongholds, and Training.
We require mature team players who enjoy developing their skills, and are willing to do what it takes to improve their tank play, and play as a team member.
Recent WN8: 1100+
Tank Requirement: 4 meta Tier X tanks
Avg. tier played according to Tomato.gg of 8.0+ (past 60 days)
At least 1500+ dpg in meta 10s
Activity Requirement: 2-3 days a week at muster; 1900 cst/2000 est
Must Speak English
Must have and be on Discord while in game
Must always strive to improve your knowledge and skills of the game
Get along well with others. NO DRAMA. We kick drama
Must have & use discord
HARMZ DISCORD INFO: https://discord.gg/B7y9vHQj