[IOTC] Immortal Odyssey Tank Company

Competitive Clan


We are a new clan who will respect all clan mates with a willing attitude to play as a team to win skirmishes, advances and clan wars. All members who are accepted into the clan will be willing to show up, train as necessary to adjust and improve game stats to be a very competitive clan who wins gold, bonds and resources.
This clan will compete in skirmishes each night and be very active at all times respecting other tankers as this team builds.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 6

Ø Batailles17970
Ø WN81418,62

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
JGF_16Quitter 23/03/2025 15:01 UTC
JGF_16Rejoint19/03/2025 21:07 UTC
sog1Rejoint19/03/2025 18:36 UTC
RogueTankerOneRejoint16/03/2025 22:29 UTC
Whiskey_712Rejoint16/03/2025 14:15 UTC
No_Where_Man_Rejoint16/03/2025 13:30 UTC
BremilinRejoint15/03/2025 16:45 UTC
CrackedGearRejoint15/03/2025 16:31 UTC