[KOEC] Knights of Eternal Chaos

Beware the Fog of War


We are a brand new clan, with a collection of like minded people who just want to play, and enjoy each other's company, and not too stressed about numbers. We do enjoy skirmishing, and would like you to have at least 1 tier 6 commonly used in skirmishing. We do not as yet participate in Clan Wars. We have imposed an age restriction of at least 18, and require TeamSpeak3 and a mic so we can stay in contact during our playtime.
We are not going to worry about becomming a top tier clan, but if you enjoy the game, and want other adults to play with, then come grow with us! :)

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 13

Ø Batailles2815
Ø WN8579,42

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate