[MERCE] Mercenary Elite

Kill Them All Let God Sort Them Out


Our clan is mainly comprised of older guys that are looking to play for fun with a little competition. We actively engage in Strongholds, seek tournaments, and look forward to doing Clan Wars soon. Sooner we get to clan wars, the sooner we can start giving away gold to active players. You MUST have Teamspeak3 AND a mic to participate in clan events. We welcome experienced players as well as brand new players to the game. We do weekly training events that has proven to increase tankers stats, so we don't care if you're a rookie or a pro. All players are welcome!!!

"ts.euknetworks.com:9989" is the TS3 address we use. Please join us there if you would like to ask questions, or platoon with use before making a final decision.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 23

Ø Batailles2457
Ø WN8521,37

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate