[N-N-C] NoName Clan

Tanks, Teamwork and Friends


We require you to be active, have and use TeamSpeak, and the willingness to work together.

Our TS server is open at: nonameclan.teamspeak3.com

All game options are on the table. Our leaders will lead the clan in the best route possible to ensure that everyone can learn and have fun. Send an application or join our ts to receive an invite. ts name must match your in-game name or be close to it.

Please have 2 - 3 meta T10s (Chief, 907, 279e, 260, IS-7, 277, S Conq, 60TP, CS63, 140, 121B, VZ55, EBR, Leo, STRV 103B, Manticore etc.)

Active 3/4 nights/week Microphone and willingness to use TS3

Be respectful and follow the rules of the clan. Those rules apply here. Any misconduct will get you removed from the clan

Thank you for showing an interest. We will see you on the frontlines.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 97

Ø Batailles31417
Ø WN81286,62

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
deputydogQuitter 04/03/2025 23:15 UTC
TuhphrRejoint04/03/2025 13:41 UTC
lD00MlQuitter 04/03/2025 03:01 UTC
FearfulToothRejoint04/03/2025 02:22 UTC
RiotmanRejoint28/02/2025 22:49 UTC
MetadonaIIQuitter 25/02/2025 15:01 UTC
NotPlayerFacingQuitter 23/02/2025 11:18 UTC
Superman_sniper68Quitter 23/02/2025 08:15 UTC
sneakexrtRejoint23/02/2025 05:53 UTC
The__BlackLisTQuitter 23/02/2025 05:15 UTC
eugene2168Quitter 23/02/2025 05:15 UTC
ERROR404_NO_RNG_FOUNDRejoint23/02/2025 02:56 UTC
Heavy_DestroyerRejoint23/02/2025 01:17 UTC
Lieutenant_DanRejoint21/02/2025 23:22 UTC
parisguy1212Quitter 21/02/2025 15:20 UTC
RyanRPQuitter 21/02/2025 15:20 UTC
Shaker_Rejoint21/02/2025 00:40 UTC
bustingtankersRejoint20/02/2025 02:22 UTC
duane101Quitter 19/02/2025 15:21 UTC
LunanyahQuitter 18/02/2025 15:12 UTC
SithRevanQuitter 18/02/2025 15:12 UTC
2xsRejoint18/02/2025 06:36 UTC
nba_2400Rejoint17/02/2025 16:18 UTC
SouIIRejoint17/02/2025 06:02 UTC
RaitnexRejoint16/02/2025 23:40 UTC
lD00MlRejoint15/02/2025 18:45 UTC
___PerfectQuitter 15/02/2025 02:17 UTC
TAPPERED_1Quitter 13/02/2025 14:24 UTC
bergsteigerQuitter 13/02/2025 03:01 UTC
The_Holy_Hand_Grenade_Quitter 12/02/2025 15:01 UTC
___Phantom____Quitter 12/02/2025 15:01 UTC
__PennywiseTheClown__Rejoint12/02/2025 10:56 UTC
TAPPERED_1Rejoint12/02/2025 05:26 UTC
League_of_Legends_PlayerRejoint12/02/2025 02:56 UTC
___PerfectRejoint10/02/2025 01:06 UTC
_HoG_Quitter 08/02/2025 03:01 UTC
Mydad83Quitter 04/02/2025 08:15 UTC