[OTHG] Over the Hill Gang

Now, an army is a team. It lives, eats, & fights as a team. This individuality stuff is over rated.


Over the Hill Gang is a group of players 21 and over (18+ considered) that have come together to enjoy the game. Our goal is to get onto the global map and be a dominating force in clan wars. We are players of many different styles and backgrounds. Some of us are active or retired military personnel, students or just everyday Joe's.

We are an organized group governed by the members, no one person is ever directly in charge. Your voice is always heard and is important to help the organization grow. We do require the use of TeamSpeak to help us communicate better. You will always find people around to platoon with, talk to and enjoy the game with.

Before you can submit an application to the clan, you must fill out the application on the forum. If your interested in joining, think you have what it takes to push over the hill, check out our forum here

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 14

Ø Batailles25631
Ø WN8863,89

Membres du clan

Statistiques escarmouches


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate