[RBRN2] REBORN - Rising from the Ashes (Social)

Usque ad extremum spiritum - "Till the final breath"


REBORN is an international, friendly & LGBT+ friendly clan & consists of 2 main clans:
RBRN2 is for 'social' players (for platooning etc).
REBRN is the 'competitive' side (Clan Wars etc).

If you are interested in CLAN WARS etc. then Please click here to have a look at the MAIN clan REBRN

If you apply to RBRN2 (this clan), we have few minimum requirements but we would normally expect you to:

Have TeamSpeak (main coms) & Discord (backup)
Speak English
Join our Facebook Group or Discord Server or both.
Have played at least 500 battles (unless you have friends already in RBRN2 or REBRN).

If you wanted to join REBRN (main clan) but do not meet the requirements, then feel free to apply to this clan where you can receive invitations to Advances and Skirmishes and to join in with main clan activities, so we can get to know you.

If you do not meet all requirements, please contact JordanOnTarget or ZoeBallz in game.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 41

Ø Batailles4621
Ø WN8907,47

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
flyingrabbit7Quitter 05/02/2025 03:01 UTC