[TMF] TheMisfits

Our Tanks have no Brakes


TheMisfits are currently in the process of rebuilding and are working on setting up a clan wars team. We like to have fun but come battle time we get serious. There are some rules in place that everyone must follow. Some of the rules will be listed below, but for the full list please visit our webpage and register at http://themisfits1.enjin.com.

1. Be respectful of all members, and players in and out of the clan.
2. We are a mature group of players, so anyone under 18 is not recommended to join, however if you wish to join you must expect strong language.
3. We are only recruiting tiers 6-10 right now and the recruiters will look at your stats before making a decision.
4. TheMisfits works side by side with each other we help are clan members out, You are expected to show your Fellow members the same respect. When they need help,
5. TeamSpeak is a MUST you must have teamSpeak to apply to the Clan. Are TeamSpeak info is Finalattonement.teamspeak.network No Password .....

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 30

Ø Batailles11373
Ø WN8742,70

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
cactujackRejoint25/02/2025 22:26 UTC