[_MEME] Dank Memes

You haven't lived until you've meme'd


First you have to love memes!
-dont be a baddie

Recruitment Requirements
OVERALL: 1600+ wn8 with 54%+ win rate
RECENT: 2000+ wn8 with a 58%+ win rate

-dont be a baddie
-Must also provide funny meme for my enjoyment upon recruitment!
-dont be a baddie
We are looking to do stronghold skirmishes for some nice quick cash and good ole fun! (fun includes winning)
dont be a baddie
Also willing to start tourneys for those interested
dont be a baddie
And last but not least! FOR CAMPAIGN TANKS!!!!! [gotta catchem all!]

If you are interested in joining dank memes than contact ryguy077

See ya on the battlefield!

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 1

Ø Batailles615
Ø WN81951,10

Membres du clan

#Nom du joueur30D WN830D BattlesWN8VictoiresNombre de bataillesDernière bataillePositionRejoint

Statistiques escarmouches

#Nom du joueur7D Battles30D Battles

Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate