[NEXV] Next Victory

? Friendship and Victory on the Battlefield! ?


Who we are

We are a friendly International clan focused on playing clan battles and helping all members progress in the game!

Our mission

We offer to help players unlock tanks like 260 and 279 and win tanks from global maps.

What we expect from our players

We expect our players to be friendly and respectful towards each other and be active in the game.


Кои сме ние

Ние сме приятелски настроен международен клан, фокусиран върху играенето на кланови битки и помагайки на всички членове да напредват в играта!

Нашата мисия

Предлагаме да помогнем на играчите да отключат танкове като 260 и 279 и да спечелят танкове от глобалните карти.

Какво очакваме от нашите играчи

Очакваме нашите играчи да бъдат приятелски настроени и уважителни един към друг и да бъдат активни в играта.

Statistiques du clan

Nombre de membres : 65

Ø Batailles42805
Ø WN81468,98

Membres du clan


Historique du Clan

Nom du joueurChangementDate
air_danceQuitter 18/03/2025 21:07 UTC
_GoMeR_22Quitter 18/03/2025 20:40 UTC
Fatal__007Rejoint17/03/2025 21:49 UTC
lobzik_strelok_1Quitter 17/03/2025 05:11 UTC
_GoMeR_22Rejoint16/03/2025 21:09 UTC
MEPA4AQuitter 16/03/2025 05:46 UTC
MERA44Quitter 15/03/2025 21:06 UTC
Waffen__S__S_ANTI_BGTFRejoint12/03/2025 11:27 UTC
Avaddon_Rejoint11/03/2025 19:57 UTC
2000VLAD0002Rejoint10/03/2025 22:18 UTC
AvetYaltaRejoint10/03/2025 19:24 UTC
MartiiRaichevQuitter 09/03/2025 21:07 UTC
whitetiger0Quitter 09/03/2025 17:31 UTC
ziadeshatlaRejoint09/03/2025 15:57 UTC
whitetiger0Rejoint08/03/2025 15:44 UTC
MartiiRaichevRejoint06/03/2025 18:31 UTC
BraveJackSparrowQuitter 02/03/2025 20:25 UTC
Zizo_VoinaRejoint28/02/2025 20:56 UTC
stabilkoRejoint28/02/2025 19:29 UTC
kakasofkaRejoint28/02/2025 17:21 UTC
malik11111_1Rejoint28/02/2025 12:29 UTC
FireoptimizerRejoint27/02/2025 21:02 UTC
NRainNovBGRejoint27/02/2025 17:13 UTC
13_R3ND1K_13Rejoint27/02/2025 12:20 UTC
TiktaalikkRejoint26/02/2025 19:40 UTC
ShMaTicHRejoint26/02/2025 18:15 UTC
nalivaikoRejoint25/02/2025 22:34 UTC
ivo1970Rejoint24/02/2025 17:07 UTC
lobzik_strelok_1Rejoint21/02/2025 18:04 UTC
5tr1k3Rejoint19/02/2025 18:27 UTC